Saturday, February 25, 2012

Come Follow!

Words can't express how terrible I feel that I haven't been able to keep up with this blog. However, I'm starting up again! Come follow me on Twitter @AmandaPanee for updates! I just started it a few days ago, but come follow so you can find out when I post something on the blog!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One Month Old 凱妹滿月了

Mei Mei is one month old today!  We are so in love with her!  She is so calm and sweet.  She only cries if she is hungry or has a messy diaper.  She sleeps well at night and only wakes up 1-2 times to feed.  I am very lucky.  No technique there, just pure luck! 

Her brothers love her very much.  Malakai loves to hold her and kiss her.  He loves to help me get wipes or diapers and always offers "I'll hold her for you, mommy" or "you can go take a nap, mom, and I'll watch her."  He is starting to be so independent and has been helping me so much, especially by playing with his little brother.  He definitely is more stubborn lately.  I know it's because he wants to be one of the "adults" because he doesn't want to be one of the babies.  when we don't treat him like an adult, that's when he gets mad and acts up.

Eli seemed to take having a new baby very well.  But it's obvious that he has been acting different as well.  He whines a lot more and doesn't like to listen.  He also really needs me.  as much fun as he has with his dad or with his brother, he still cries when he doesn't get enough attention from me.  I do my best now that I feel a little better to spend more time reading and playing with him in the morning when his brother goes to school.

Things are crazy.  That's pretty much all I can say.  Having 3 kids is crazy.  But I love them so much! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

She's Here!女兒誕生

I have a very good reason for the lack of blogs lately. 
Our baby girl has arrived!

She came on October 1st, at 1:13pm.  She was 7lbs 9oz, and 19.5 inches long!  
We went to the hospital on the morning of October 1st at 5am.  I didn't want to get induced, but because of my husband's busy school schedule, I wanted to make sure he was there for the birth of his daughter, so I made an appointment to be induced on Saturday morning.
By this point, I was already 5cm dilated, so I thought she would come pretty fast.  I didn't want to use pitocin, which is the medicine they use to start contractions.  I just wanted the doctor to break my water, and see what would happen.  I was put on antibiotics when I first arrived because I tested positive for Group B Strep.  Then at about 8am the doctor broke my water.  Then I walked around the hospital halls to get the contractions going.  Nothing was really happening so the nurse asked me if I would be okay if they turned on the pitocin just a little bit.  I really didn't want to, but nothing was happening so I agreed.
由於我的B型鏈球菌抗源測定為陽性,所以我一到醫院時他們就給了我抗生素 。到了8:00左右,醫生弄破了我的羊水。接下來我就在醫院裡走來走去,希望能早些開始陣痛。但是一點動靜也沒有,所以護士問我,要不要打一點催生針,我真的很不想,但是因為一點都沒有要生的意思,我只好同意。
They gave me a minimal amount and I continued to walk through the halls.
For some reason I really didn't want to get an epidural this time.  I wanted to experience natural labor.  And it hurt.  A LOT.  I was crying and screaming.  
At around 1pm the pain was almost unbearable.  Lucky for me I had a fabulous nurse who would push on my back and talk me through each contraction.  I had very long contractions so the time in between each contraction was very short, and I didn't have enough time to take a breath before the next one began.
Finally, I was allowed to push.  Every person within 15 miles of the hospital could probably hear me screaming.  My poor husband had no idea what to do.  In 4 pushes, my little girl arrived.

I couldn't believe how absolutely exhausted I was.  
But she is here now.  And I love her.  She is beautiful.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Flying to Taiwan長途飛行

I have been having contractions here and there.  But that's not what has kept me so distracted.  I am NESTING like a crazy person.  It's supposed to be a sign of labor when you just want to clean, clean, clean.  That's all I want to do!  I'd rather clean than blog.  Who am I?! Haha. 

I have had lots of requests to write about my experience flying long distances with my children.  I have done it quite a few times, including one time alone with Malakai, from Taiwan to LA and then straight to Utah, when he was about 7 months old.  


Here are some things that I learned from my experiences that may be helpful for those of you who might be doing the same.

我有一點心得,可能對也要帶孩子長途旅行的 妳有一些幫助。

1.If your baby is still nursing or taking a bottle, wait until the plane is taking off to feed them.  That will help with their ears, and it will also help them calm down.  


2.Bring a few new toys they have never seen before.  They don't have to be expensive, or even new.  Perhaps just something they haven't played with for a while.


3. Bring treats that they haven't eaten before (if they are old enough!).  It could be a new kind of cracker or snack if you don't want your kids to eat candy. 


4. Don't stress.  I know you don't want to disturb other people on the plane and are afraid your baby will bother them, but believe me- your baby's cry seems MUCH louder to you than it does to other people.  Besides, the plane is pretty loud anyway, and people also have headphones.


5. Another reason to not stress is because if you stress, your baby will sense something is different, and they may stress too.  Just try not to worry.


6. The plane is not the place to discipline your child.  If they are toddlers, they will not be spoiled forever if you let them have candy or snacks one time on the plane.  You may just have to let them do what they want just on the plane ride.


7. Ask the flight attendants for help.  When I was flying alone with Malakai and they saw that I was holding him, they were very nice about serving me a meal later.  


8.  Don't expect anything.  You will probably stay up a few nights before the big trip, worrying about what to pack and what's going to happen, but you really just have to do your best to go with the flow, and play it by ear.

9.  I don't know if this counts as advice, but I think flying red-eye is the best choice.  They will be tired, and you will be tired, but least sleep might be more of a possibility! 


10.  You can do it.  You are a great mom/dad.  If you are there, your baby will feel safe.  

Well, that's all I can think of right now.  Hopefully that helps a little! 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just Some Thoughts 一點感想

I have been really distracted lately.  I know it's because of the baby's pending arrival, but I can't seem to turn my brain off.  I think about labor all day long and a very LONG list of things I still have to do grows longer and longer.

Being a mother is hard work.  I know everybody knows that, but I often wonder if people REALLY understand how much work it is to be a mom.

Besides the physical things I do each day (cook, clean, grocery shopping, laundry, run around with kids, cook more, clean more, answer questions, get juice, etc. etc. etc) mentally and emotionally motherhood is hard work.

I am constantly thinking things like "is this the right way I should handle this right now?"  or "am I treating both kids fairly?"  when I only had Malakai, discipline was easy. Well, easier.  He listened to me and his dad.  Two sources of right and wrong.  But Eli gets a 3rd source, his older brother.  Malakai is not perfect and he is, in fact, a 3-year-old.  But he is WAY more fun than mommy, so Eli tends to copy him more often.  It has been mentally exhausting trying to discipline both equally, fairly, and yet still try to teach them differently because they are very different boys.  I feel like I have to be "on the ball" with parenting 24-7.  It doesn't end when they go to sleep because I think about how to handle a question Malakai asked me, or I wonder if I should be doing more with Eli.

And I'm going to throw another baby into the mix! 

Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE being a mom.  But it is definitely hard work.  Rewarding, but exhausting.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pregnancy Photos懷孕攝影

Here are some pictures that my very talented friend Alana took for me. 

I'm 35 weeks, and I can't believe baby girl is coming so soon!  154 pounds and feeling very big. 

My doctor took a random blood test to test my sugar levels and she said I'm doing fine.  She told me to still stay away from eating large amounts of sugar. 

I am so tired but I am getting excited! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pregnancy Update 懷孕近況

Last week I still felt like I was walking like a normal person.  This week I feel HUGE.  All of a sudden sitting isn't comfortable, lying isn't comfortable, and turning from one side to the other actually kinda hurts.  Just look at this picture!  I thought I was pretty small, and then today I took this photo of myself.  My eyes were definitely lying to me.


 33 weeks
34 weeks

I have Braxton Hicks ALL the time.  Not only does my stomach tighten during the false contraction, I can feel my uterus pushing on my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe.


Drinking water and sitting down helps to reduce my Braxton Hicks a lot.  When I'm up moving around too much, I get tons of Braxton Hicks contractions.


My new doctor here told me the baby has already flipped around and her head is down, but she thinks I will probably go into week 39, maybe 40, since I did with both previous pregnancies.


My weight is 153 lbs.  Total weight gain so far is 27 pounds!
