Monday, August 22, 2011

Pregnancy Update 懷孕近況

Last week I still felt like I was walking like a normal person.  This week I feel HUGE.  All of a sudden sitting isn't comfortable, lying isn't comfortable, and turning from one side to the other actually kinda hurts.  Just look at this picture!  I thought I was pretty small, and then today I took this photo of myself.  My eyes were definitely lying to me.


 33 weeks
34 weeks

I have Braxton Hicks ALL the time.  Not only does my stomach tighten during the false contraction, I can feel my uterus pushing on my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe.


Drinking water and sitting down helps to reduce my Braxton Hicks a lot.  When I'm up moving around too much, I get tons of Braxton Hicks contractions.


My new doctor here told me the baby has already flipped around and her head is down, but she thinks I will probably go into week 39, maybe 40, since I did with both previous pregnancies.


My weight is 153 lbs.  Total weight gain so far is 27 pounds!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road Trip開車旅行

When I didn't have children, road trips were SO much fun.  There is something really fun about driving, seeing new scenery, eating junk food, and talking with your friends the whole way.  It's not the destination that was exciting, it was the journey.


On Sunday evening, I went on the LONGEST ROAD TRIP EVER.  At six pm we started our crazy road trip.  The two kids were still good and happy, not really understanding what we really meant when we explained to them that we'd be in the car for a while.  Good thing we had extra help.  My father-in-law came with us and also two of our friends.  We thought to make it easier on the kids, we'd drive through the night so they could sleep.

The kids were so confused, because every 3 hours or so we would stop to get gas for the U-haul, and for some fresh air.  It was good too because being pregnant, it was good for me to get out and stretch my legs (to avoid blood clots) and use the restroom.  

Finally around 10am, we arrived at our new place.  

I have requests to write about flying in a plane with my kids, so I'll do that in another entry. 

Here are some tips that I would give if i were to do that again with young toddlers.


1. Arrange the car seats so the kids are next to each other.  They entertain each other.
2. Make sure there are lots of snacks.
3. Don't worry about the mess they are making in the car.  A small confined space is not the place where you want your kids screaming.
4. Have plenty of books, stickers and activities, and switch them from one activity to the other rapidly.
5.  Don't stress.  Things are NOT going to go the way you plan, and you HAVE to learn to be flexible.

Now we are here in our new place and excited to start our new journey here. 

Just like a road trip, my new attitude here while we start a new life is that the best part is not the destination, but the journey!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

See You Soon....

Well, we are in the process of moving our whole lives into this:

And on Sunday we are moving to our new destination.

I may be missing from the blog for about a week. My mom will be back at home from her business trip soon, but I'll be off organizing our new place.

I have been really emotional. I went to spend some time with one of my best friends, who very wisely told me that I need to make sure I don't cry in front of my kids, no matter how sad I am about this move. She knows I'm the kind of person that will do anything for my kids so she told me that I needed to be brave for my kids, so they understand that moving is not a sad thing, but that it's an exciting chance for us grow.  What wise friends I have.

ALSO!  I've been meaning to tell you all.  I failed my first glucose test of this pregnancy.  I was surprised because I consider myself pretty healthy.  But because of that, I am COMPLETELY NOT EATING:

Anything with white sugar
Anything with white flour (white bread, pasta, etc.)

This does not mean that I have gestational diabetes, but I'm still gonna be careful.

Usually I keep those two to a minimum, but now I'm NOT eating ANY of that at all......

I'll let you know how it goes.  It's gonna be hard, but I'm doing it for my baby! 

Well, next time I write I'll be in a brand new state! Take care until then!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Unfortunately, mom the translator is going out of town on it will be another week before we'll have a proper post.  Sorry....

Monday, August 1, 2011

So Fast!

Well, no translator again today.  Mom's still recovering.

I wanted to just post some pictures, and when I went to upload them, I clicked on an August 2009 album instead of 2011.  In this album I found a picture of me the day I found out I was pregnant with #2.

It really just seems like yesterday that I was at the hospital giving birth to Eli...

And here I am, NINE weeks away from having yet another baby.  You probably think I'm crazy. 

It's because I am.

Here's a picture from last week, at 30 weeks pregnant.  My hair was bad, but I'm feeling good! 

See you Friday for a better post ;)