Friday, July 29, 2011


No Chinese translation today.  Unfortunately, my beautiful mother who is my fabulous translator has a swollen hand and can't type.  I don't know how bad it is, but the the way she described it to me, I imagine it looks something like this....

Feel better, mom!  We love you!

Look for a new post next Tuesday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Raising Boys教養兒子

Lately I've been finding lots of pictures that Malakai takes with the camera when I'm not around.  Like this.... 


My first reaction is always to get mad.  He hasn't broken this camera yet, but since he's been born we've gone through 3 cameras because he would find them and then drop them while playing with them.  But yesterday as I was uploading pictures, I found these ones that he took of himself, and couldn't help but smile.  What a funny kid!  My favorite thing about these pictures is that he made a different face in each picture.


Then I remembered a quote I came across a long time ago:

“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass"; "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys";”- Harmon Killebrew
                                      - Harmon Killebrew
I always loved this quote because it reminds that even though sometimes we can't help but be mad, we need to take a step back and put things into perspective.  Our relationship with our children and our desire for them to be happy and healthy should be our utmost priority.  I know that doesn't mean we should just let them run around and break cameras, but I often have to remind myself that things are just things.  Also, kids are just kids. And sometimes, accidents happen.  


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Romantic Comedy 愛情喜劇片

 Last night my friend and I went to have dinner and watch a movie.  I really needed some time to relax from the everyday craziness of being mom!  She also has two young kids so we usually call each other when we need a break.


After our yummy dinner we went to watch a romantic comedy.  I love watching romantic comedies!  After the movie was done I was thinking about how many people don't like romantic comedies because of how unrealistic they are.  I know parents disprove their daughters watching movies like that, because then they have a false idea of what "love" is supposed to be, and expect their lives to be like fairy tales.

Of course, romance and love in real life isn't perfectly planned out like in movies, and I would never want my daughter to think that romance is just a few bumps in the road, and then a magical fairy tale ending, but what is wrong with wanting the ideal person to marry?


Okay, don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying we should all be waiting around for the perfect Prince Charming to come along before we actually decide to date, or get married.  I'll tell you what I AM saying though..
I find that too many girls settle for men that have less-than-good qualities and use the excuse that "nobody is perfect".  These less-than-good qualities range from somebody who is not completely trust-worthy, to somebody who doesn't look you in the eyes when he talks to you.  What about somebody who tells you he loves you but you are not a priority in his life?  What about somebody who tells you he will be there for you, but only when it's convenient for him?  What about somebody who only seems to pay attention to you when you're alone, but ignores you when there are other people around?  

There is no "perfect man" out there, but I feel there are certain things that we can't just "look past" because we are settling, or because we are afraid there is going to be nobody else.  Every girl and every woman deserves
at least a man they can trust, a man that is reliable, a man that will make us a priority, and a selfless man who is willing to put our needs before his own.


Jordan and I have known each other since 2005, and of those six years, we have been married for five.  It's not a perfect marriage without disagreements, but one thing I knew for sure when I said "yes" when he proposed, is that he is somebody I can trust, and he loves me, and is willing to put me first in his life.  There were many unknowns when we got married (will we have enough money?  what will we do for school and our jobs?) because we were young, but he had the qualities that I knew that he would always stand by my side as we faced any trial or challenge that life would bring.  Sure enough, he was also my best friend and to this day still makes me laugh and makes me happy.  

So no, I'm not telling you to look for perfection.  Because it doesn't exist.  But just remember there are some things you don't sacrifice.  Especially your own happiness.  Find a good man with a good heart.


Monday, July 18, 2011

What I Don't Eat When I'm Pregnant 我在懷孕中不吃甚麼...

29 weeks this week. 

I've had a really long weekend so this entry might be short.
  We attended two birthday parties and a wedding in one day!  But it is ME, so it probably won't be as short as I think it will be.

Someone asked me what I things I do eat, and what things I don't eat during my pregnancies.

I follow the guidelines that my doctor gives me:

-Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and albacore tuna

-Raw or undercooked fish or meats
-Deli meats
-Soft cheeses and unpasteurized milk and juices
-Unwashed fruits and vegetables, salad bars, and raw vegetable sprouts

The doctor asks us to stay away from the above items for safety reasons. 

I also try to keep the following items to a minimum:

-Dairy products

I also try to stay away from dairy products because:

1) I'm a little bit lactose intolerant anyway, and I don't want to be eating things I'm allergic to when I'm pregnant.  I want to try to keep my body as healthy as possible.  (Of course, sometimes I can't help but have a little bit of ice cream...)

2) When we become pregnant, our bodies begin to produce higher levels of progesterone.  The increase of progesterone causes digestion to slow down so we can better absorb nutrients in our intestines.  As a result, it becomes harder to pass stools and our feces may harden.  Usually cutting out dairy (this is what naturopathic doctors recommend) will help lessen the symptoms of constipation.  I keep it to a minimum so I don't contribute to the stomach problems the increasing hormones in my body is already causing!


I have been craving a lot of sugary things this pregnancy.  It's true what they say about having a girl!  I try to only keep my sugar allowances for when I have a craving.  I eat healthy 95% of the time, and allow myself 5% to give into my cravings.  Too much sugar takes a toll on our bodies and weakens our immune system.  Again, I like to try to keep my body as healthy as possible during pregnancy.  I already have so many symptoms to deal with during pregnancy, I don't want to make it more difficult for myself!


Well, I'm exhausted!  I'm going to go get some much needed rest, and maybe a foot rub from the husband.

See you in a few days!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spanking? 打小孩這件事...

So, I know the last few entries have all been kind of serious, but I really wanted to write about something that my friend and I were talking about the other day.   I promise I'll try not to write too much. 


My friend asked me my opinion on spanking children.  Now remember, this is just
my opinion.  It is not advice and it isn't even a suggestion.  I don't know if there is a "right" way when it comes to discipline.  This is only what I think.


I had to think for a minute, but I told her that in my opinion, spanking is okay.  I kind of surprised myself because I never thought I would be okay with spanking.


But before we start assuming that I am okay with abuse, let me explain myself.


I feel there is a very important need to classify discipline.  What I mean by 'classify' is I think a child needs to be able to differentiate the severity of the mistake they just made that deserved discipline. Of course we are the ones who control that.  This sounds a little confusing, I know.  I'll give you an example by illustrating two situation, so you will understand what I mean.

1.   When Malakai was about one and a half years old, he tried to throw his cup onto the floor while we were eating.  When he threw his cup down, I took his cup away and said sternly, "No, keep the cup on your table.  This cup is used for drinking, not playing.  I will not give you another one if you throw the cup." I always gave him a chance to obey, and gave it back.  When he did it again because he thought it was funny, I left it on the floor.  If he whined or cried, I ignored it.  I talked to him after he finished "fussing" and told him that we need to keep cups on the table. 


2. At that same age, one time when we were getting into the car after eating in a restaurant, Malakai ran out onto the street.  I yelled and ran after him, and luckily there were no cars.  I immediately grabbed him, flicked his ear, and yelled "No!  Do NOT run out on the street!  You need to stay by mom and dad.  Cars may not see you and you could have gotten hurt!"  After that I held him (because he usually cried when he flicked his ear) and told him I loved him, and I didn't mean to hurt him, but told him we need to be extra careful when we are around cars.

(NOTE: When he was younger we flicked his ear instead of spank him, because he couldn't imitate the action)


 Now those are two very different situations.  One was just a a cup falling down, and a potential mess, but the second situation could have been a life-or-death situation.  I wanted Malakai to understand that there are different levels of severity when it comes to his actions.

I feel that if we yell or spank at EVERYTHING that they do wrong, then they will stop listening and stop caring.  In fact, I think that it almost damages a relationship because I feel the child will start to feel like their parent is always angry, or doesn't love them.  They might even develop a fear that can inhibit a really healthy relationship.  I don't know for sure but I can see a child feeling like they can do nothing right, which not only builds a wall between parent and child, but also may start to create self-esteem issues in the future.
I don't have any teenagers, and it's been a good 10 years or so since I have been one, but I feel it's the same way with teenagers.  If a teenager gets home 3 minutes late one night, and receives the same reaction from their parents as if they had used illegal drugs with their friends, then they start to tune everything out.   Teenagers have the desire to feel independent and grown up, but they can do that in a healthy way, with you in the picture.  But constantly yelling because of every little thing they do (why are you wasting money? why aren't you studying?  you are going to regret this) only pushes them away from you.  Discipline and setting rules is very important with teenagers, but like I said before about levels, they need to understand that some things are more severe than others but that you are actually paying attention to their lives, and care about them.


We have a great responsibility on our hands to teach them, but we also have a great responsibility hands to nurture them and love them.  While we want to see them grow and learn and succeed in family and careers, our relationships with them are the keys to their emotional and social success. 



Yup, I wrote too much again.  Sorry.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy Weight Gain 談談懷孕中的體重增加

A reader asked me why I make a goal to put on weight when I am pregnant, and I realized- she’s right!  Here I am talking about how excited I am that I have put on 22 pounds….but why?? 


According to my height (5’4”) and starting weight (125 pounds) the recommended weight gain for me is 25 to 35 pounds.  Your doctor usually gives you a recommendation on weight gain.  But if you are in the “normal” category, like I am, then that was my recommended weight gain.  If you are underweight, you should be gaining more, and if you are overweight, you should be gaining less. 

根據我的身高五呎四吋(162公分)及懷孕前的體重125(約為56.8公斤),懷孕期理想的體重增加應該是2535 (1116公斤左右)。醫師們通常會給一個增加體重數的建議。像我這樣大致上落入"正常體重"範圍的人,11-16公斤就是建議給我們的數字。如果妳比較瘦,妳應該要增加更多,要多於11-16公斤。如果妳原本就比較超重,可能要增加的體重就要少於11-16公斤。

 Me at starting weight

Everybody is different though and your weight, height, race, your body build, your nutritional habits, your mother’s nutritional habits when she was pregnant with you all play a role in how much weight you will gain with the children.


Now when I say “weight gain” I am not talking about empty calories.  I am not eating cheeseburgers, fries, and ice cream sundaes every day to get to my goal weight.  I do give into my cravings once in a while, but greasy food and fatty, creamy desserts will only add unnecessary fat to your bodies.  If you eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet, you will accumulate enough good fat for your pregnancy.  This good fat is what protects your baby, and later on supplies your breast milk with enough fat for your newborn, to ensure healthy growth in those first few months of their lives.


 40 weeks pregnant with Malakai
 40 weeks pregnant with Eli

Nutrition is very important during pregnancy, not only for the baby, but also for you.  It is important to have great nutrition since all your energy and all your resources are given to grow your baby.  Not only that, but after the baby is born, a healthy mother recovers faster, and is also able to produce better quality breast milk.  During my first trimester, it was very hard for me to eat anything.  I threw up everything I ate and I was only able to keep food down sometimes. This is very common among women.  I tried my best to eat what I could, but my nausea made it very difficult.  I kept taking my vitamins every single day, though, and also drank “green smoothies” in small sips whenever I could.  


 A green smoothie is a smoothie made up of fruits and vegetables.  Here are a couple of my favorite combinations:

 One apple, one orange, and two handfuls of spinach
One banana, one orange, half a pineapple, and two handfuls of kale

I just put all of those ingredients in a blender with some ice and water.  I had to drink it very slowly, but at least I knew with one large glass of juice, I was getting the nutrients and fiber  from those fruits and vegetables.


 Malakai making the smoothie with me
 Eli eating my smoothie!!

Dieting and not eating a well-balanced diet during pregnancy can potentially be harmful to your baby.  Being too skinny and being deficient of important things such as fats and carbohydrates causes the protein in the mother’s body to  all be used to feed the mother, and not the baby, which can cause problems in the developments of the baby.

For me, it is very important to put on the right amount of weight.  Eating nutritiously and exercising (if capable) will result in babies with healthy birth weights.  Babies that are at a healthy birth weight are able to handle stress during labor and delivery better, and they also have fewer complications in their newborn months.   Malakai was 8 lbs. 8oz, and Eli was 8lbs.


 Malakai at 3 months

 Eli at 3 months

I want to have babies that are at a healthy birth weight, but aren’t just fat.  I want muscular and lean babies, which means they are heavier, but their body composition is not just fat.  Research has shown that babies who are muscular and lean are more active and healthy the rest of their lives, and also have greater mental capacity to learn, and are less prone to diseases.  In order to have muscular and lean babies, the mother needs to put on the right amount of weight correctly, by eating well, and exercising if she is capable.

Well, this was very long.  I’m sorry!  But this entry is really what I’m talking about when I named this blog “I Am Your Mommy.”  I strongly feel that when we choose to have a child, we need to do what we can to give them the best- including during the pregnancy and during breastfeeding, to give them the best head start they can possibly have.


If for whatever reason you were not able to get adequate nutrition during your pregnancy (perhaps you were too sick to eat, had other complications, or maybe you didn't know you were pregnant for the first few months) it is still okay.  Giving your children the best nutrition at any stage in their life is incredibly beneficial for their growth.  There are also lots of preventative medicine, and countless solutions to worries you may have about your children.  There really isn't a need to be worried.  As long as we are trying our best, they will grow up to be healthy, beautiful children!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Lower Back Pain 腰背疼痛

I make 28 weeks this week.  Here we go, the beginning of the last trimester! 


How do I feel?  To be honest, I feel like how I felt when I was 40 weeks with Eli.  I feel big, I feel hot, and my body is so tired.


The gauge on my stomach is also broken.  You know the gauge that tells you when you are full?  Mine is broken, and I can't fix it!  When I eat when I'm hungry I try to eat a reasonable amount of food, but I can never tell when I am full.  I go from "feeling satisfied" to "I'm so full someone has to roll me out of here" so quickly, and without me knowing until all the food on the table is gone.

I have gained 22 pounds!  Hurray!  That means I will have the next 12 weeks to put on the last 12-13 pounds, which is about what I did with the other two pregnancies.  
我胖了22磅(10公斤)!好極了!這表示我還有12 週去增加12-13磅(大約6公斤),這跟我前兩次懷孕差不多。

I forget after each pregnancy how difficult it is to have the extra weight on my body.  I don't move very well.  Even if it's just adjusting from sleeping on my left side to my right, it takes me a while, and I always laugh at myself because I bet I look like a huge panda bear trying to roll over.  Well, at least panda bears are cute, right?

A few weeks ago I  bought a back support because I've had hip pain and lower back pain.  This is what it looks like:

It has been a major help with carrying some of the weight from my growing belly.  Once I put it on I can feel a difference.  Go get one if you are experiencing the same aches and pains! 

My lower back has been definitely more sore this time around.  I think it's because I carry Eli around a lot. 

If you have some lower back pains too, here are three easy stretches/exercises that I do to help alleviate some of the pain.  Please only do these or any new exercises if your pregnancy is normal.  If you are a high-risk pregnancy, please do not do these without talking to your doctor first.  They are not difficult, but since I don't know what situation you are in, I really don't want you to get hurt! 


Remember, as with all workouts or exercises during pregnancy, if you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, you need to stop.  Also remember to drink lots of water.  If you experience any bleeding or headaches, you need to stop.



These are very basic and easy moves.  Again, please only do these if you are not suffering from any complications.  I am not a doctor and the advice given here is not meant to heal.  They are only a few suggestions from some stretches that you can do if you are in good health. 


One thing I always ask Jordan to do for me when I have back pain is to use a tennis ball and roll it around on my back.  It really helps take away some of the tension!

Back pain is very common during pregnancy because your body needs to carry all the weight that is growing heavier each day in your belly.  Doing these little stretches will hopefully help with the pain.
