Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road Trip開車旅行

When I didn't have children, road trips were SO much fun.  There is something really fun about driving, seeing new scenery, eating junk food, and talking with your friends the whole way.  It's not the destination that was exciting, it was the journey.


On Sunday evening, I went on the LONGEST ROAD TRIP EVER.  At six pm we started our crazy road trip.  The two kids were still good and happy, not really understanding what we really meant when we explained to them that we'd be in the car for a while.  Good thing we had extra help.  My father-in-law came with us and also two of our friends.  We thought to make it easier on the kids, we'd drive through the night so they could sleep.

The kids were so confused, because every 3 hours or so we would stop to get gas for the U-haul, and for some fresh air.  It was good too because being pregnant, it was good for me to get out and stretch my legs (to avoid blood clots) and use the restroom.  

Finally around 10am, we arrived at our new place.  

I have requests to write about flying in a plane with my kids, so I'll do that in another entry. 

Here are some tips that I would give if i were to do that again with young toddlers.


1. Arrange the car seats so the kids are next to each other.  They entertain each other.
2. Make sure there are lots of snacks.
3. Don't worry about the mess they are making in the car.  A small confined space is not the place where you want your kids screaming.
4. Have plenty of books, stickers and activities, and switch them from one activity to the other rapidly.
5.  Don't stress.  Things are NOT going to go the way you plan, and you HAVE to learn to be flexible.

Now we are here in our new place and excited to start our new journey here. 

Just like a road trip, my new attitude here while we start a new life is that the best part is not the destination, but the journey!


1 comment:

  1. so happy for you guys. Look forward to reading your next article. : )
