Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Am Your Mommy 我是你的媽咪

Have you ever heard of "pregnant brain"?  They have actually proven that a woman loses brain capacity each time she gets pregnant.  It happens because all our body's resources go to feeding and growing the baby, and the rest of our body suffers the consequences.  Most common things that women forget are where they put their keys, what time they have to meet someone, or whether or not they've turned off the stove upon leaving the house.


I am on my third round of pregnancy, and they say each time it gets worse...and never gets better.  What am I going to forget next?  My children's names?  Whether or not I showered?   Did I put on a bra today?
They say we have to stimulate brain activity.  Reading, puzzles, and brushing your teeth with the opposite hand are supposed to help get the brain going. 
I personally think there's not much hope for me.  I didn't have too much brain activity in the first place.  :)


The reason I'm talking about this is because I completely forgot to explain why my blog name is "I Am Your Mommy."  I have had this blog up for a week or so and it really brings me so much joy.  I love to write, and if we ever meet in person you'll find out how much I like to talk.  But I failed to explain where I got the title for my blog from. 


I will always remember the day Malakai was born.  We went to the hospital late in the evening of October 14th, 2007.  The 14th was my due date and I still hadn't experienced any contractions.  I forced Jordan to go on a walk with me but it was too cold so we made it down our street, and then turned around.  I ate some salad while Jordan and I sat on the couch, watching tv.  All of a sudden, I felt I needed to cough.  If you've been pregnant, you'll understand that by the end of your pregnancy, it's hard not to "have an accident" when you cough or laugh. It's all natural, don't judge!  I sat up immediately and felt I needed to use the bathroom.  I ran to the bathroom and as I went #1, I felt more liquid coming.  I wondered why there was so much liquid.  Then I felt a warm feeling in my hips and my back.


I told Jordan that my water broke.  He ran upstairs to grab the hospital bag.  I wasn't even in pain or having contractions but Jordan was running around in excitement.


The morning of the 15th, our beautiful Malakai was born.


They swaddled him in a tiny blanket, and brought him to me.  Tears streamed down my face as I held his warm body for the first time.  I looked into his perfectly round face and said, "hi, Malakai.  I am your mommy."  I felt his breath and felt his little chest moving up and down.  I felt more love for him than I ever thought imaginable.  He was mine.


“Hi, Malakai.  I am your mommy.”  It was a very simple sentence.  But I could feel the gravity of it.


It doesn't just mean I gave birth to you.  It doesn't just mean that I will feed you and clothe you.
Being a mother is so much more than that.  Taking on the commitment of becoming someone's mother means something so much deeper to me. 
Imeans I will sacrifice what I have for you.  I will take care of my body when I'm pregnant with you, and I will feed you all that's best.  I will teach you, love you, nourish you, encourage you, support you, and do everything in my power to raise you as best as I can.  I will make mistakes, but I will give you my best.  I want you to be happy, strong, and wise.  I want you to be loving and humble, but smart and hard-working.  I want to help you discover who you are and make sure you are happy. 


The role "mother" is the most worthwhile, rewarding and happy career in the whole world. 
I love this statement ------“I am your mommy !”


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