Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy Weight Gain 談談懷孕中的體重增加

A reader asked me why I make a goal to put on weight when I am pregnant, and I realized- she’s right!  Here I am talking about how excited I am that I have put on 22 pounds….but why?? 


According to my height (5’4”) and starting weight (125 pounds) the recommended weight gain for me is 25 to 35 pounds.  Your doctor usually gives you a recommendation on weight gain.  But if you are in the “normal” category, like I am, then that was my recommended weight gain.  If you are underweight, you should be gaining more, and if you are overweight, you should be gaining less. 

根據我的身高五呎四吋(162公分)及懷孕前的體重125(約為56.8公斤),懷孕期理想的體重增加應該是2535 (1116公斤左右)。醫師們通常會給一個增加體重數的建議。像我這樣大致上落入"正常體重"範圍的人,11-16公斤就是建議給我們的數字。如果妳比較瘦,妳應該要增加更多,要多於11-16公斤。如果妳原本就比較超重,可能要增加的體重就要少於11-16公斤。

 Me at starting weight

Everybody is different though and your weight, height, race, your body build, your nutritional habits, your mother’s nutritional habits when she was pregnant with you all play a role in how much weight you will gain with the children.


Now when I say “weight gain” I am not talking about empty calories.  I am not eating cheeseburgers, fries, and ice cream sundaes every day to get to my goal weight.  I do give into my cravings once in a while, but greasy food and fatty, creamy desserts will only add unnecessary fat to your bodies.  If you eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet, you will accumulate enough good fat for your pregnancy.  This good fat is what protects your baby, and later on supplies your breast milk with enough fat for your newborn, to ensure healthy growth in those first few months of their lives.


 40 weeks pregnant with Malakai
 40 weeks pregnant with Eli

Nutrition is very important during pregnancy, not only for the baby, but also for you.  It is important to have great nutrition since all your energy and all your resources are given to grow your baby.  Not only that, but after the baby is born, a healthy mother recovers faster, and is also able to produce better quality breast milk.  During my first trimester, it was very hard for me to eat anything.  I threw up everything I ate and I was only able to keep food down sometimes. This is very common among women.  I tried my best to eat what I could, but my nausea made it very difficult.  I kept taking my vitamins every single day, though, and also drank “green smoothies” in small sips whenever I could.  


 A green smoothie is a smoothie made up of fruits and vegetables.  Here are a couple of my favorite combinations:

 One apple, one orange, and two handfuls of spinach
One banana, one orange, half a pineapple, and two handfuls of kale

I just put all of those ingredients in a blender with some ice and water.  I had to drink it very slowly, but at least I knew with one large glass of juice, I was getting the nutrients and fiber  from those fruits and vegetables.


 Malakai making the smoothie with me
 Eli eating my smoothie!!

Dieting and not eating a well-balanced diet during pregnancy can potentially be harmful to your baby.  Being too skinny and being deficient of important things such as fats and carbohydrates causes the protein in the mother’s body to  all be used to feed the mother, and not the baby, which can cause problems in the developments of the baby.

For me, it is very important to put on the right amount of weight.  Eating nutritiously and exercising (if capable) will result in babies with healthy birth weights.  Babies that are at a healthy birth weight are able to handle stress during labor and delivery better, and they also have fewer complications in their newborn months.   Malakai was 8 lbs. 8oz, and Eli was 8lbs.


 Malakai at 3 months

 Eli at 3 months

I want to have babies that are at a healthy birth weight, but aren’t just fat.  I want muscular and lean babies, which means they are heavier, but their body composition is not just fat.  Research has shown that babies who are muscular and lean are more active and healthy the rest of their lives, and also have greater mental capacity to learn, and are less prone to diseases.  In order to have muscular and lean babies, the mother needs to put on the right amount of weight correctly, by eating well, and exercising if she is capable.

Well, this was very long.  I’m sorry!  But this entry is really what I’m talking about when I named this blog “I Am Your Mommy.”  I strongly feel that when we choose to have a child, we need to do what we can to give them the best- including during the pregnancy and during breastfeeding, to give them the best head start they can possibly have.


If for whatever reason you were not able to get adequate nutrition during your pregnancy (perhaps you were too sick to eat, had other complications, or maybe you didn't know you were pregnant for the first few months) it is still okay.  Giving your children the best nutrition at any stage in their life is incredibly beneficial for their growth.  There are also lots of preventative medicine, and countless solutions to worries you may have about your children.  There really isn't a need to be worried.  As long as we are trying our best, they will grow up to be healthy, beautiful children!


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