Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Raising Boys教養兒子

Lately I've been finding lots of pictures that Malakai takes with the camera when I'm not around.  Like this.... 


My first reaction is always to get mad.  He hasn't broken this camera yet, but since he's been born we've gone through 3 cameras because he would find them and then drop them while playing with them.  But yesterday as I was uploading pictures, I found these ones that he took of himself, and couldn't help but smile.  What a funny kid!  My favorite thing about these pictures is that he made a different face in each picture.


Then I remembered a quote I came across a long time ago:

“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass"; "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys";”- Harmon Killebrew
                                      - Harmon Killebrew
I always loved this quote because it reminds that even though sometimes we can't help but be mad, we need to take a step back and put things into perspective.  Our relationship with our children and our desire for them to be happy and healthy should be our utmost priority.  I know that doesn't mean we should just let them run around and break cameras, but I often have to remind myself that things are just things.  Also, kids are just kids. And sometimes, accidents happen.  


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